Works in Progress


So that was a lie.

I want us to update this website atleast every weekend.

—Me, like 3 months ago

So I super didnt keep up with that, but that ok it was way to much, but an update every few months is do able. Im not super excited about using HTML or CSS and it doesnt really have any application to what I want to do. It was something I heard that I should keep a "Dev Log" in HTML as good practice for code and self promotion.

I haven't been doing nothing though. I started the Unreal and C++ programming courses on Gamedev.TV and finished the first projects in both. Its my goal to swap back and forth between the two. I picked up a book on C# " The Yellow Book" and a book on C++ and been reading those like with my eyeballs when I got a moment at work while waiting or while laying in bed trying to wind-down for the night. While I did abandon Unity, I am still intrested in learning C# as a means to mod games. Though the switch and the books it seems my understanding of basic of code reached a point where it just started to click and started being kinda fun to do. I even went way beyond in the C++ class and developed an actual little mini game. It may not seem like a huge accomplishment to you later, but you did put in a lot of effort to intigrate your own ideas to the game. You also figured out the whole middle portion.

Screenshot of Code with program running.


Pinned: Updates

I know whos reading this. It's just future me, so I'll write to future me. I want us to update this website atleast every weekend with what I have accomplished and learned how to do. It doesnt have to just relate to your TTRPG stuff, your cringe ass game design goals, or anything. I just want to you to keep a log of what task your set for yourself and show your work.

Sometimes thats going to be some home improvement stuff, or it may be something cringe worthy, but thats ok.

if i get a therapist, i bet they will love this website

Who am I?

I don't really know what to put here or what to say about myself. I'm not the type to really keep a social media profile. I don't have, nor do intend to get, a twitter, instagram, or facebook. Not for any distain for the platforms, but because they lack animosity. I briefly had a facebook several years ago that I got in college around 2010 and neglected. I ended up deleting it a few years ago. I suspect that my coworkers and supervisors found my facebook and through that found out that I didn't vote the same way. I became their living effigy for librals. They spent a ton of effort to break me down and run me out of a career, and in a way it worked. I was written up for a lot of very minor very stupid things and eventually fired in the middle of 2020. I scrambled, got my CDL and got back on my feet. Two years later I secured a job that pays equal to the one I was fired from but just as unfullfilling and socially precarious as the last.

I am now attempting to teach myself Programming / CS. I been messing around a little the past year, watching the CS50 lectures, running though the practice questions on SoloLearn, and running through FreeCodeCamp. But, I dont feel like I'm any closer to escaping this career. The biggest hurdle I find isn't the content, it's finding the time and finding my courage to join a community.

Posted by Radical at 11-13-23 |


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